ACIC operates under the VET Quality Framework. This is a regulated framework administered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Our registration details are located on the National Register for VET and our qualifications are recognized under the Australian Qualifications Framework. As a registered training organization delivering courses to international students, ACIC is also required to maintain registration in compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000) and The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018). We provide vocational training to international students in the areas of Leadership and Management, Business, Early Childhood Education and Care, Ageing Support, Mental Health and Community Services.
With well-located and comfortable facilities for students, industry current trainers and assessors along with modern equipment and resources, Australian City International College is a wise choice for your learning and future.
We strive to develop and deliver the action learning and research that transforms the individuals, business and society by enabling collaborative elaboration of resolutions to the tangible world challenges.
At Australian City International College, we envision to build trust, integrity, transparency, passion for quality & excellence, best practice, professionalism, responsible marketing, and straightforward communication.
Australian City International College has a small resource library that contains additional reading materials available for student loan. To borrow books from the resource library, complete the Student Library Agreement Form along with a $20 deposit and provide the form to our Student Services Officer. Book loans are for a period of 7 days.
Sydney Public Libraries are also available to students as well as local libraries in residential areas.
See the following link for more information